September 9-10, 2005 · · DHS Homecoming Weekend
Saturday, September 10, 2005 - Page 16 - Banquet
at the Dalton Country Club: Ronnie proves he is not partial to the ladies with his
"interviews" as he corrals Neil Herring while Douglas Kendall and Carl Smith are
glad they are not the focus of Ronnie's efforts.
Before he knew it, Douglas was the target as Betty howls at her husband's
reaction to the "interview".
Betty is accustomed to the limelight and handles Ronnie like a pro. She
lives in California and has done stage plays and commercials. She had brought along
a newspaper article with a photo about a play where she is front and center singing and
playing a guitar with other cast members.
The expression from Anne Morris and her reaction to Ronnie's remarks get's Gary
Satterfield to the point of tears.
Ronnie enjoyed his interview with Theresa Moore as they talked about their high
school romancing.
Carolyn Bennett Jordan responds to Ronnie with her own style of
self-confidence. Jane Maples looks on with that "I'm glad its not me"
By the time he got to Andrea Higgins and husband Ed Perry, Ronnie had worked up
a sweat doing interviews. When he asked her name, she replied with "Minnie
Pearl, and I am so PROUD TO BE HERE!" That caught Ronnie by surprise as you can
tell by the facial reactions of these three.
Since Amy Cruse was standing next to Andrea and heard her interview, Amy had no
problem in keeping Ronnie under control for her interview as Ed and Andrea observe.
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