Pennsylvania Visit - September 2009 - - PAGE 2.

September 7, 2009: The fun in the playroom is getting warmed up before lunch.  Katie has just turned up some music on the boom box CD player.  This shot catches her in a skipping movement.  I made a paper airplane which is on the floor in front of her.
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She gets some help from dad to get an orange hair piece attached.
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I guess it is getting to be "silly time" in the playroom.  The smile on dad's face says so much more than words.
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Yet, when I ask her for a close-up photo, she gives this dead-pan expression, but those beatiful blue eyes do so much for her grandfather (me).
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Before you know it, Katie is turning cartwheels across the carpeted floor of the playroom.  My digital camera is a bit slow to fire the flash and I don't quite get the photo I really want.
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Here is a shot where I pushed the button when her feet were straight up, but you see she had come down to the floor before the flash and shutter captured this photo.
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Now Megan comes over to where the action is, but I still cannot get the photo timed correctly.  Katie is rolling out of the cartwheel with her hair coming up as she prepares to stand up after another cartwheel.
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Shall we try it one more time?  I can just hear Megan in 10 years asking me to take off that old photo with her eyes shut.
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Go for TWO cartwheels at one time!  Again, a late shutter and flash.
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Finally!  This is the "money shot" I have been trying to get with Katie right at the top of the carwheel with her feet together.
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