Jerrie Mock Google Earth Flight at The Works Museum · · PAGE 20.

June 18, 2016:  I was distracted while at the exhibit upstairs and had to get back down to the meeting room as I was few minutes late for my 10 AM scheduled start time.   There were a number of folks who were interested in how I created the Google Earth flight for Jerrie Mock.  Here is a cell phone photo taken during my presention of how to use Google Earth to get close-up views during any of the Jerrie Mock flights.  The image projected in the photo below is from my 15-minute movie I made using Google Earth Pro.   The movie was made for the exhibit dedicatiion day use.  I answered questions and demonstrated the night arrival back at Columbus while streaming online images from Google Earth. 
Jerry Thorne showing google tripA.jpg (322473 bytes)

This image was taken by Ruth Jacobs showing the first day landing at Bermuda from my movie.
Jerrie Mock celebration google map showing where she flewA.jpg (403092 bytes)

Upstairs some people were getting into the airplane to get the feel of how much space Jerrie had on her long trip.  I want to point out Jerrie was barely five feet tall.
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This globe has the route depicted with a sign below with names of each overnight stop along the route.
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Here is a close-up view of the globe.
display globeA.jpg (370401 bytes)

And here is the sign after I removed some reflections from the overhead lights.   The background image on the sign was from the day Jerrie went supersonic with the US Air Force.
display routeA.jpg (316722 bytes)

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That black and white photo stand is the real height of Jerrie Mock.  I mentioned before the airplane is on a steel mount that makes it higher than it would be on its real landing gear.
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The man talking to Chris is Art Weiner, a former US Air Force officer who created the flight plans for Jerrie's flights around the world in 1964.  He was 30 years old at that time.
Art Weimer and Chris Mock Flocken2.jpg (1215993 bytes)

Display Chris Flocken and Art Weimer 2A.jpg (1178343 bytes)

Display Chris Flocken and Art Weimer 3A.jpg (1088160 bytes)

display Chris Flocken and Art WeimerA.jpg (1221466 bytes)

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Art attended my presentation and answered some questions for me.  This cell phone image and similar ones above were provided by Ruth Jacobs.
Art Weimer, did navigation maps for Jerries flight2.jpg (1173657 bytes)

Art Weimer, navigation maps for Jerrie2.jpg (1048567 bytes)

Here is my photo of Art Weiner taken at the same time as those from Ruth seen above.  He was telling us stories of his time in the US Air Force over his 30-year military career.
DSCW1619.JPG (538159 bytes)