DHS 2010 Barbecue - Page 9.
Saturday, October 16: The stuffed bear and
the rocking chair seemed to draw the ladies together for group photo. I was
just one of several taking snap shots here.
Here is the "Three Wives Club" together again as they are at every
reunion gathering. They are from left to right, Marty Ingle (Ray's wife), Clydene
Brock (Gary's wife), and Sheila Rich (Jim's wife).
You can see this corner of the room also serves for couples photos, not just
the groups. Susie Hudson uses her phone to get her picture of Susan Bailey and her
husband Jim Hite. I was on a flight to El Salvador a few years ago when I saw Susan
working as a flight attendant for Delta Airlines.
The out-of-town crowd has started to leave before the local folks. I
wanted to make sure I got a few photos before the night was over.
Hilliard started taking more photos after the meal. As always the timing
is bad for blinking eyes.
And of course, sometimes you hand your camera to a friend, and there were many
friends here tonight.
Norma got a better picture this time, but Laura, you need to know when to stop
talking, sorry.
Now you can see the ladies were posing for the guy with the biggest camera
(Hilliard Jolly).
Ron and two of the alumni husbands give their mixed reviews of the evening.
Now that they have had their fun, Hilliard again gets into the photo to keep
order and composure from these guys.
If any of our alumni have any digital photos to share from this day, please
send them to me via my email account.