1358 Emerald Drive Flooding · · PAGE 25.

August 11, 2022:  This was a day for heavy rains on Emerald Drive.  The water has backed up across our driveway at 1358 and into the driveway next door at 1354.   Image 4179

D  Image 4180

D  Image 5181

D   Image 4182  The flooding got bad when they upgraded their driveway tiles from one-inch thick to be TWO inches thick in 2021.

D   Image 4183

D   Image 4184

D   Image 4185

D   Image 4186

D   Image 4187  This image is newer before two county inspectors came out when the tiles were below the level seen here.

D   Image 4188

D   Image 4189

D   Image 4190

D   Image 4191

D   Image 4192

D   Image 4581  The water backs up this far to 1354 Emerald Drive from the new driveway work zone at 1362.

D   Image 4582 - NEW two-inch tiles are installed

D   Image 4583   Two county inspectors came to make sure the contractors were preparing for a deeper swale.  Some blocks were removed to allow for the swale under the blocks to be deeper than the first installation of 2-inch thick blocks.  One of the inspectors told me that the Department of Roads and Bridges is considering reworking the swales in this area.  He also mentioned that an OVAL pipe could be installed under this driveway at 1362 to insure a clean flow of water to drain ahead.

D   Image 4584  The water is backing up into 1358 on the north side of the job site.

D   Image 4585   (Image 4586 showed their hand tools, not the work they were doing.)  There is short wall here of concrete with a large REBAR inside the concrete.  This is the cause of the water backing up into 1358 Emerald Drive.

D   Image 4587  Preparations for inspection of the new driveway tiles.

D   Image 4588   It rained again before their work was finished as seen by the amount of water in the driveway at 1358.

D   Image 4590  This image below and the second one below shows the restricted drainage that is our problem from the heavy rains on September 8, 2022.  The image below shows a temporary trench dug by the contractors during the work to keep water flowing.

D  Image 4591  The recent heavy rain day September 8, 2022 has overwhelmed this drain at the corner of of the lots at 1352 and 1356 Emerald Drive.  There was no flow of water going into this drain when I took this picture.  Look at the reflection of light between the leaves of a tree behind this drain.  I estimated there was up to 3 inches of water above the steel grate and concrete structure at this location.  Is this drain supposed to feed directly to Fish Lake?  Or does it connect to the swale on the East side of the street?

This swale at 1363 Emerald Drive is flowing at full capacity with the water rippling as it comes out from under the driveway.

D  Image 4593   This is the house at 1380 Emerald drive.  I took this photo immediately after the two images above where flooding is very easy to see above the ground level of the drains.  The drain in this image below is not having problems.  Is this drain supposed to feed directly to Fish Lake?  Or does it  connect across to the swale on the East side of the street?

The swales going south on Emerald drive were full on the East side of the street after the heavy rain.

D   Image 4595 looks north toward the drain between 1352 and 1356 with the problem.  This image shows the water backed up south of the drain.


D  Image  4597 Showing 1358 Emerald drive is where the worst rain flooding occurs.

D   Image 4598  This is the rear of 1358 where rainwater washes over the top of the sea wall with the lake.  This is the south side of the walkway to the dock.

D   Image 4599   This image is on the north side of where the walkway meets the sea wall with only ONE INCH of water clearance below the sea wall boards.