Removing Aquatic Weeds: DAY 4 · · PAGE 8.
April 23, 2020: The fourth day
begins at 8:54 AM with the Caterpillar heading up the road 1/4 mile to the boat
ramp, where is will unload the barge as all the debris is moved from the work zone.
This is the day I should have been walking the work zone looking for
the missing plank from the dock. It may still be out there in the
mud. Notice the barge is missing in this image taken at 9:04 AM as it has
been moved to the boat ramp where the CAT is unloading the reeds and roots
debris using the claw on the scoop shovel.
The neighbor to the north has this small boat house at the north edge
of his property in the lake at the sea wall.
Here is a view of the dock showing the area where the cross brace is
down by SIX inches. That young man on the dock will help me get the cross
brace up higher today.
Both boats are loading the empty barge for another unloading trip at
the boat dock ramp.
The barge will not be loaded as heavy as the first load as the water
level is low at the boat ramp.
The man on the barge is working with TWO of those poles to keep the
barge stable when they are loading debris on it.
Now to see how high they will go to keep the barge from running
aground in the boat ramp where the CAT is waiting to unload the barge.
The barge is back around lunch time for another load of debris at
12:03 PM. The yellow plastic container contains diesel fuel for the work
This photo is also stamped at 12:03 PM. One work boat is behind
the barge from my camera angle. That is the one that is pushing the barge.
From this angle and with an empty barge, you can see the large size of the
pontoons below the deck.
At 12:08 PM, the barge is ready to load for the next run to the boat
A second image at 12:08 PM.
Keep loading to get rid of the debris wall.
At the end of the day, the barge and both work boats are parked at
the dock. Those clouds in the west were over here this afternoon cutting
the work short due to nearby lightning. This day was Thursday with rain
the next day, Friday and no work on the site.